{{ question.description }}
\r\nSorry, this benchmark isn't available yet. Please try again later.
\r\nSorry, this benchmark is now closed.
\r\nThe benchmarking element of this tool is gathered from the responses of other users who have likewise used this tool. After completing the following questionnaire, you will be provided with a high-level overview of how you are performing against specific criteria as well as how you benchmark against others who have completed the questionnaire. To download a full report which sets out a number of tailored recommendations for improvement based on your answers, you will need to provide your email address.
\r\nWhere you have provided an email address to download a full copy of the report, your answers will not be linked with that email address. All data viewable by Addleshaw Goddard will be anonymised save for the details provided opposite. We may use this anonymised data for the purpose of our research and reporting. Where you have provided us with your email address, we may contact you to discuss ways in which we can support you with any improvement areas you wish to raise with us. Further information can be found at the point at which you are asked to enter your email address and within the full disclaimer.
\r\nA: {{ answer.value }}
\r\n{{ improvementArea.title }}
\r\n \r\nThis report has expired and is no longer available.
\r\nThank you for completing the questionnaire. Below is a summary of your results, and how you compare with your peers. An upwards pointing arrow next to your score means you're doing better than the in-house average, whilst a downwards pointing arrow means that you may be behind the curve.
\r\nWherever you sit in relation to your peers though, there are always more value-creation opportunities available and the colour code of your score below represents one of three areas for improvement:
\r\nReady to Boost
\r\nA score in the Boost category represents an area which needs to be addressed. Implementing improvements here can have a large impact.
\r\nReady to Enhance
\r\nA score in the Enhance category represents an area in which you are doing well, but that can be taken from 'good' to 'great'. Implementing improvements here can elevate your value even further.
\r\nA score in the Refine category represents an area which you are excelling in. But this does not mean there are no new opportunities to generate value. Implementing small improvements to further refine your offering ensures that you will stay ahead.
\r\nTo find out more about the types of improvements that you can make, specific to whether you need to Boost, Enhance or Refine, take a look at your customised report by navigating to the tab above.
\r\nThere is nothing to report under this area.
\r\nThere is nothing to report under this area.
\r\nThe page you are looking for is not found, please check with the person who sent the link.